@thesis{thesis, author={SUHARSONO EGO ROY}, title ={HUBUNGAN SCREEN TIME BEHAVIOR dengan SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR dan SCREEN TIME, SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR, DAN BODY MASSINDEX PADA REMAJA DI JATIREJO MOJOKERTO}, year={2021}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/94/}, abstract={Abstract ?Adolescents spend a lot of their time doing sedentary behavior and experiencing changes in body composition such as BMI (body mass index). The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between screen time behavior and sedentary behavior and BMI (body mass index) in adolescents at SMA Ma'arif Nu Jatirejo, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. The research design is a correlational study with a cross-sectional approach, a consecutive sampling technique with 56 samples of SMK youth. The research was conducted in July 2021. The results of the study were almost all respondents screen time behavior was > 2 hours/day as many as 32 (69.57%), most of the sedentary behavior in the heavy category were 34 (73.92%) and most of the BMI (Body Mass Index) for the fat category was 31 (67.39%). The results of the Spearman rho statistical test with p-value = 0.001, = <0.05, then there is a relationship between screen time behavior and sedentary behavior in adolescents at SMK Ma'arif NU Jatirejo. and the results of the Spearman rank statistic test, p = 0.008, = <0.05, then there is a relationship between screen time behavior and BMI (body mass index) in adolescents at SMK Ma'arif NU Jatirejo. Limiting screen time by resting for 15-30 minutes, sedentary behavior does not have a bad impact, can do light exercise for 10 minutes-30 minutes and BMI (body mass index) pays attention to nutritional intake for children by providing good nutritional intake. Keywords: Screen time behavior, Sedentary Behavior, BMI (Body Mass Index)} }