@thesis{thesis, author={NARNI A1H115029}, title ={MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF ANAK MELALUI KEGIATAN MENCOCOKKAN GAMBAR DI KELOMPOK A TK WULELE SANGGULA I KENDARI}, year={2019}, url={http://repo.uho.ac.id/19/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Narni (2019). "Improving Children's Cognitive Ability Through Image Matching Activities in Group A Wulele Sanggula I Kindergarten Kendari". Thesis. Department of Teacher Education in Early Childhood Education (PG-PAUD), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Halu Oleo University. Supervisor I Dra. Dorce Banne Pabunga, M. Pd and supervisor II Dra. Hj. Arvyaty, M.Sc., M.Pd. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether the activity of children in group A TK Wulele Sanggulaid I Kendari. Type ofUHOresearchis classroom action research. Research was.conducted in two cycles, namely: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3)acobservation and evaluation, and (4) reflection. Subjects in this study were teachers and students in group A Wulele Sanggula I Kindergarten Kendari,.amounting to 8 students consisting of 5 girls and 3 boys. Based on the analysis of data in the first cycle in accordance with the observation sheet teaching activities of teachers as many as 15 aspects were observed, there matching pictures can improve cognitive abilities of children in group A kindergarten Wulele Sanggula I Kendari ?. This research aims to determine whether the activity of matching images can improve cognitive abilities of are 12 aspects implemented with the acquisition of a percentage of 80%. While the observation sheet of children's learning activities as many as 15 aspects were uho . Perpustakaan sitedi observed, there were 11 aspects implemented with the acquisition of a percentage of 73.33%. For the results of children's cognitive abilities through the activity of matching the pictures in the first cycle obtained a percentage of 62.5% with 4 of 8 the children studied getting a star rating (***) BSH (Developing in Expectations), and 1 of 8 the children studied scored (***) BSB (Very Good Development). In cycle II, the percentage of teacher teaching activity sheets increased to 100% or 15 aspect were implemented. While children's learning activities increased to 93.33% or 14 aspect that were carried out. The result of children's cognitive abilities through matching the pictures in cycle II, a percentage of 100% is obtained with 3 of the 8 children studied getting a star rating (***) BSH (Developing in Expectations), and 5 of the 8 children studied score (* **) BSB (Very Good Development). Thus, it can be concluded that the cognitive abilities of children in group A Wulele Sanggula I Kindergarten Kendari can be improved through image matching activities. Keywords: cognitive abilities, image matching activities.} }