@thesis{thesis, author={Atni Primanadini (030811019) AP and Jasmadi Joko Kartiko JJK and Nanda Rasmayanti NR}, title ={THE LEVELS OF ALT IN PATIENTS WITH TUBERCULOSIS WHO UNDERGO TREATMENT A MONTH, 2 MONTHS, 4 MONTHS, AND 6 MONTHS IN THE HEALTH CENTRE SEBAMBAN 1 SEI. LOBAN TANAH BUMBU}, year={2017}, url={http://repo.unbl.ac.id/379/}, abstract={THE LEVELS OF ALT IN PATIENTS WITH TUBERCULOSIS WHO UNDERGO TREATMENT A MONTH, 2 MONTHS, 4 MONTHS, AND 6 MONTHS IN THE HEALTH CENTRE SEBAMBAN 1 SEI. LOBAN TANAH BUMBU Nanda Rasmayanti(1), Jasmadi Joko Kartiko(2), Atni Primanadini(1) Health Analyst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kelapa Sawit Street 8 Bumi Berkat Number 1 Phone (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru, South Borneo 70714 Email: nandatan777@gmail.com ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria aerob that can, especially in the lung or in various organs of the others who have a partial oxygen. The anti tuberculosis is a drug that is used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Almost all types of meds of tuberculosis have side effects on liver function. The increase in levels of enzymes ALT is a marker. The purpose of this study to determine levels of ALT in patients with tuberculosis who undergo the treatment of 1, 2, 4 and 6 months in the health centre Sebamban 1 Sei. Loban Tanah Bumbu. The method in the study is the analytic with a cross sectional. The population in this research is with tuberculosis, amounting to 15 people. The sample in the study was taken by a total sampling. The levels of ALT in doing using the Fotometer Biosystem BTS-310 with a wavelength of 340 nm. Of the 15 responders with TB who underwent the treatment by consuming OAT, obtained the result of the levels ALT wrong as many as three (20%) with the value of avarage levels of ALT of 52 U/L. The presence of these results, it is expected in the treatment for six months. From analysis of statistic t-count > t-table = H0 was rejected and Ha acknowledged, this can be stated that there are different levels of ALT in patients with tuberculosis who consume OAT based on long treatment. That relevant agencies to carry out an examination of the liver function like ALT on regular basis to patients of tuberculosis in order to do early detection of possible liver damage due to the use of long term OAT. It is expected to researchers then be able to do research on improving levels of ALT at the patients tuberculosis who are undergoing treatment for 6 months >6 months. Keyword : ALT, OAT, Tuberculosis.} }