@thesis{thesis, author={Atni Primanadini (030811019) AP and Lisa Andina (1123038303) LA and Rahmatullah RAH}, title ={PENENTUAN BILANGAN ASAM MINYAK GORENG WARUNG MAKAN SARI LAUT BANJARBARU APRIL 2014}, year={2014}, url={http://repo.unbl.ac.id/413/}, abstract={PENENTUAN BILANGAN ASAM MINYAK GORENG WARUNG MAKAN SARI LAUT BANJARBARU APRIL 2014 The Determination Of Acid Number Oil Vegetable Oil At Sari Laut Food Stalls Banjarbaru On April 2014 (1)Rahmatullah, (2)Lisa Andina, (1)Atni Primanadini (1)Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru (2)Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes RI Banjarmasin Jl.Kelapa Sawit 8 Bumi Berkat No.1 Rt.02/01 Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan Email : Rahmat_Fivers17@ymail.com ABSTRACT Cooking oil is one of the basic human necessities as food ingredients processing media. The use of repentitive cooking oil with heating at high temperature will result in a number of acids and free fatty acid levels. The research aims to know the number of acid as well the levels of free faty acid in the oil traders second hand Sari Laut road km 32-36 Banjarbaru. A kind of this research is to find out an analysis deskriftif number acid an the level of free fatty acid, traders rider the data processed using devices badger Microsoft excel served in the table and charts. This research was conducted with menthods Alkalimetri. The populations of this research is cooking oil that is worn traders cider the sea in the way of Akhmad Yani there are 10 km 32-36 Banjarbaru traders cider the sea, Collection of samples conducted in a total of sampling. The results of research on cooking oil former discarging number acid lowest 2,8 mg KOH/g and highest 7,2 mg KOH/g while the level of free fatty acids obtained the result of the lowest levels of free fatty acids 1,53% highest 3,58%. The research aimed to make society regard to the quality of cooking oil. Keywords : Cooking oil, Frying, Number acid} }