@thesis{thesis, author={M. Nazarudin (030811020) MN and Muhammad Rizqan Azhari MRA and Puspawati PUS}, title ={KADAR HEMOGLOBIN PECANDU MINUMAN KERAS TUAK PADA REMAJA USIA 20-25 TAHUN DI DAERAH BANJARBARU UTARA TAHUN 2014}, year={2014}, url={http://repo.unbl.ac.id/563/}, abstract={KADAR HEMOGLOBIN PECANDU MINUMAN KERAS TUAK PADA REMAJA USIA 20-25 TAHUN DI DAERAH BANJARBARU UTARA TAHUN 2014 LEVELS OF HAEMOGLOBIN HABITUÉ LIQUOR TUAK IN ADOLESCENTS AGE 20-25 YEARS BANJARBARU IN 2014 IN THE NORTH (1)Muhammad Rizqan Azhari, (2)Puspawati, (1)Muhammad Nazarudin (1)Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru (2)Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banjarmasin Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Jl.Kelapa Sawit 8 Bumi Berkat No.1 RT.02/01 Telp. (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan 70714. Email: Eqoen.pcm@gmail.com ABSTRACT Haemoglobin is an proteins found in the red corpuscles, that gives color red on blood. Haemoglobin consists of iron that is the bearer oxygen. Meminum-minuman is severe unmannerly human that can harm health, even can inflict death. Research purposes this is to know picture levels of haemoglobin, presentation levels of haemoglobin above normal, normal, under normal banjarbaru in the north. The kind of research survey namely descriptive.The population on this research is remaja habitué liquor type tuak in the Banjarbaru utara yang to 30 people willing but only 15 people. Sampling techniques used purpusive sampling.The research average levels of haemoglobin respondents 15,03gr / ln the lowest 12.7 gr / ln ( 6.7 % ) and tertinggi 18,1 g / ln ( 6.7 % ) respondents average age 21 years, youngest 20 years ( 13,3 % ) and highest 23 years ( 6.7 % ). Healthy lifestyles someone can also be more strengthen the durability of the body to more healthy therefore it is not necessarily people drink alcoholic beverages haemoglobinya increase.Conclusion levels of haemoglobin 86,7 % obtained normal and 13,30 % above normal affected by the health of a person. Mostly levels of haemoglobin his within the limits of normal dapat be used as reference to the next research by using another factor as kidney function, and function of the liver also respondennya mengunsumsi tuak the longer over two years, the age of older and in an area sufficiently extensive again from the region of this research. So that it could have been more get respondents. Keyword ; Haemoglobin, Tuak} }