@thesis{thesis, author={Lia Sari LS and Lisa Setia (010408003) LS and Puspawati PUS}, title ={HUBUNGAN PEMERIKSAAN MIKROSKOPIS LABORATORIUM DENGAN DIAGNOSA KLINIS PADA PENDERITA MALARIA YANG BERKUNJUNG Di PUSKESMAS KINTAP KECAMATAN KINTAP KABUPATEN TANAH LAUT MARET – APRIL 2013}, year={2013}, url={http://repo.unbl.ac.id/570/}, abstract={HUBUNGAN PEMERIKSAAN MIKROSKOPIS LABORATORIUM DENGAN DIAGNOSA KLINIS PADA PENDERITA MALARIA YANG BERKUNJUNG Di PUSKESMAS KINTAP KECAMATAN KINTAP KABUPATEN TANAH LAUT MARET ? APRIL 2013 THE RELATION OF MISROSCOPIK EXAMINATION THE LABORATORY BY CLINICAL MALARIA PATIENTS WHO VISIT AT PUSKESMAS KINTAP SUB-DISTRICT KINTAP REGENCY LAND SEA MARCH - APRIL 2013 MARCH - APR Lia Sari (1), Puspawati (2), Lisa Setia (1) (1)Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru (2)Kepala Ruangan Laboratorium RSUD Ratu Zalecha Martapura Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kalimatan Selatan Jalan Kelapa Sawit 8 Bumi Berkat No. 1 RT. 2 RW. 1 Banjarbaru Email : liasari96@gmail.com Abstract Puskesmas Kintap is a Government-owned health centers of the district land sea. In the year 2012 has a number of clinical malaria 1547 people, this situation is influenced by natural conditions that are mostly mountains, lush forests, swamps and small rivers as well as most of the population work as farmers and miners who work in the area of forests and swamps are flooded and is perindukan of malaria. Type and the design of this research is a survey analytic directed to know the relation of clinical diagnostics against the result of microscopic examination laboratory in people with malaria in sub-district kintap district the land of the sea by using approach croos sectional. To perform the investigation, the use of the tools and materials object glass, lancet, cotton, a tub staining, a microscope, blood capillaries, alcohol 70 %, dyestuff giemsa, a solution of a buffer phospat ph 7.2 and oil imersi. This research purposes to know symptoms clinical malaria with workup microscopic and with the relations where the research against 30 respondents by symptoms clinical light show 26 people ( 86.6 % ) with positives malaria 8 people and negative malaria 18 people. While of 4 people ( 13,3 % ) having symptoms clinical heavy which showed positive results malaria in a microscopic manner. The need for further research to find out the prevalence of malaria in the region Kintap District Kintap District health centers land sea relations with clinical symptoms and the species Plasmodium that infect the health centers in the region Kintap District Kintap District Tanah Laut. Keywords: the result the diagnoses microscopic with clinical diagnostics in people with malaria} }