@thesis{thesis, author={Atni Primanadini (030811019) AP and Lisa Andina (1123038303) LA and M. Wira Setiawan MWS}, title ={FORMALDEHYDE CONTENT IN SALTED FISH SOLD AT THE BATAKAN BEACH 2015}, year={2015}, url={http://repo.unbl.ac.id/571/}, abstract={FORMALDEHYDE CONTENT IN SALTED FISH SOLD AT THE BATAKAN BEACH 2015 M. Wira Setiawan(1), Lisa Andina(1), Atni Primanadini(1) 1) Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan Jalan Kelapa Sawit 8 Bumi Berkat No.1 RT.2 RW.1 Telp (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan 70714 e-mail : raaawiraaa@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Food Additives should not be used in order to conceal the damage or the decay of food or in order to deceive consumers. The Regulation of Health Minister (No.033 in 2012) states that the additional of formaldehyde in food is prohibited. Formaldehyde is toxic and harmful to the consumer?s health. Salted fish is a fish that is undergoing a process of preservation, but salted fish cannot survive for a long time periode of storage. Many producers use formaldehyde as a preservative in a salted fish so that they do not suffer losses. The purpose of this study to determine the formaldehyde content in the salted fish are sold at Batakan beach using the test kit method. The type of sampling is purposive sampling where the sample collected only from the place that is often visited by the consumers., the sample in this research were a salted mackerel, a salted ?peda? and a salted squid. This examination using reagen kit A and reagent kit B. The positive reaction shown a purple color. From the three types of salted fish collected from 5 different places, there were three samples obtained positive results (20%), and there were 12 negative samples (80%). Keywords : Formaldehyde, Salted Fish, Reagent Kit} }