@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Luh Putu Sonia}, title ={FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT IN ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM IN THE EFL CONTEXT}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.undiksha.ac.id/12051/}, abstract={The current study was conducted to investigate the engagement level of first year student in online discussion forum in EFL context. This study used survey design in answering the research questions. The present research involved English students in Ganesha University of Education. The Online Survey Engagement Scale (OSE) developed by Dixson (2015) was used to collect the data. Through descriptive analysis, this study found that there are 94 (65.3%) students engagement level was categorized as authentic engagement, 39 (27.1%) ritual compliance, 10 (6.9%) passive compliance, 1 (0.7%) retreatism, and 0 (0%) in rebellion engagement level is identified. This means that majority of students learn at high levels and have a profound comprehension of what they learn, retain what they learn. This study concluded that the majority of engagement level of English Language Education’s first year students of Ganesha University of Education in the online discussion forum in EFL context is authentic. This means that students tend to immerse in work that has clear meaning and immediate value to them (reading a book on a topic of personal interest). This study encouraged that EFL lecturers must take into account the findings when conducting online discussion and a further investigation on supporting and limiting factors of students’ engagement is a potential future research to be conducted.} }