@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Ni Made Sinta Cahya}, title ={The Implementation of PowToon Animation Video to Facilitate the First Grade Students as Autonomous Learners}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.undiksha.ac.id/12123/}, abstract={The use of digital media to teach English has become increasingly important recently. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a new reliance on online activities in all parts of society, including education. The situation changes face-to-face interaction to be online learning. The utilization of digital media is required to support online learning activities. In this case, a preference for learning autonomy is higher. PowToon is one digital learning platform that produces animated videos. An attractive learning media can increase students' motivation, resulting receive exemplary achievements. The videos can be seen on a smartphone via Youtube, which can be studied independently at home. Based on the phenomena, PowToon video applied in this study to test its significant difference in facilitating autonomous learners and examining students' response to PowToon video implementation for the first-grade students at SD Lab Undiksha Singaraja. The study used an explanatory sequential mixed-methods research design (Quanti-Quali). Two classes (A and B) were chosen as the sample: the experimental group taught using PowToon and the control group taught by PowerPoint. The post-test results evaluated using SPSS 25.0, show that experimental groups taught with PowToon had an excellent performance. Therefore, the PowToon video successfully assisted students in learning autonomously. In addition, a questionnaire and interview guide utilized to determine students' responses. The result showed there is a significant difference in students' achievement taught using PowToon against PowerPoint, and students showed an enthusiastic and positive response to the implementation of the PowToon animation video.} }