@thesis{thesis, author={Rosmauli Mei}, title ={PENGARUH TAYANGAN YOUTUBE DEVIENNA MAKEUP TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMTIF REMAJA (Survei pada Siswi SMA Marsudirini Bekasi)}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.usni.ac.id/985/}, abstract={This research is against the background of the existence of globalization dominated by society, namely South Korean culture (Korean Wave). Adolescent girls adopted and embraced the culture, one of which adopted a natural and natural makeup style. In this study, SOR theory explains the effect produced by SOR theory in the form of a response to a stimulus so that it can adjust between the message and the response conveyed by a communication medium. This research uses explanatory survey methods with a quantitative research approach with a positivistic paradigm. The results of this study can be proven through the R square table of 30.2% influence of the effect of Korean makeup on the consumptive behavior of adolescents. The researcher's conclusions provide advice academically and practically so that adolescents can manage their skills well and can think first before buying goods to avoid consumptive behavior.} }