@thesis{thesis, author={IRMAWATI .}, title ={THE EFFECTIVENESS OF “ WHO AM I “ GAME ON TUDENTS’ VOCABULARY ABILITY OF INDONESIAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.iain-bone.ac.id/1238/}, abstract={This study purposes to know the effectiveness of Who Am I game on students? vocabulary mastery and also the responses of students about the ?Who Am I? game related to their vocabulary ability . The researcher chose MTs Aluppang as the place of doing research where she takes students of the eighth grade as the samples. In doing this study, the researcher also used apply mix research method approach with exploratory sequential design. In this research, the researcher used two instruments; questionnaire sheet and the list of interview questions. Before giving questionnaire sheet to the students, the researcher applied six meeting of Who Am I game treatments. The result of questionnaire showed that the use of Who Am I game can effect students? vocabulary ability at the eighth grade of MTs Aluppang. While for the result of interview concluded that there were showing positive responses toward the use of Who Am I game in effecting the students? vocabulary ability.} }