@thesis{thesis, author={Paradilla Novita}, title ={ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF EXTROVERT AND INTROVERT PERSONALITY OF THE STUDENTS TOWARD SPEAKING PERFORMANCE AT THE ELEVENTH GRADE OF MA BAYTUL MUKARROMAH WELALANGE}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.iain-bone.ac.id/1256/}, abstract={This research aimed to analyse the influence of personality in speaking performance. The focus was analysis the influence of extrovert and introvert personality of the student toward speaking performance. This research employed a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach. The data was collected through questionnaire, interview and speaking test. The subject of this research was students at the second grade of MA Baytul Mukarromah Welalange. There were 10 consisted 5 extrovert and 5 introvert student that had been divided by using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire to acquire data needed. The data analysis was employed based on procedure of data analysis suggested by Miles and Huberman that consisted of step reduction, display and verification data. The result of this data described that there was no influence between extrovert and introvert personality toward speaking performance, but it is influenced by difference level of knowledge and frequently participation or well preparation. It showed that personality types is not a determiner factor for the success of Speaking Performance, it can be suggested that students with different personality types may employ different kinds of strategies for learning. Consequently, whether extrovert or introvert as long as the student had enough knowledge about the topic and also was supported by frequently participation or preparation well, the speaking performance would be better.} }