@thesis{thesis, author={DILLA NURFIKA}, title ={THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CHILDREN SONGS TOWARD STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION AT SEVENTH GRADE OF MTs MIFTAHUL KHAER MARE}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.iain-bone.ac.id/1260/}, abstract={This thesis presents research on the activity of analyzing the effectiveness of a method in learning English. This study used a qualitative method. The participants of this study consisted of 10 students. Miftahul Khaer Mare. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of children's songs on the students? motivation in listening comprehension. This thesis is intended to solve a problem in learning English, especially in students' listening skills. The study used three instruments, they were test, interview, and observation. Based on the results of the interview, it was found that students liked, enjoyed, and actively listened to children's English songs. From the observations seen from interviews and test results, it was found that children's English songs were effective in increasing students' motivation in listening comprehension.} }