@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Gambaran Pengetahuan Sikap dan Tindakan Masyarakat di Kelurahan Antang Kecamatan Manggala RW VI tentang Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) Kota Makassar Tahun 2015}, year={2015}, url={http://repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/1143/}, abstract={The results of research conducted by univariate analysis in order to obtain from distribution of knowledge the distribution of knowledge 102 (63%) with sufficient category and 60 (37%) respondents with less category, on the distribution of the attitude of 55 (34%) respondents a positive category, and 107 (65%) negative category, where as the distribution of respondents by this is action quite kicked 3 categories of respondent (1,9%) and 159 (98,1%) of respondents with less action category.Of research can be conclude from this study concluded knoweledge of the residents in the village Antang pillars of citizens (RW) VI is‘’Enough’’ and the result can be consderaction for the helath agencies in order to survelance of dengue fever prevention practices and communities to be more concerned about the environment or do eradication advice mosquitoes (EMA} }