@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Identitas dan Karakterisasi Kandungan Senyawa Bioaktif Antikanker Ekstrak n-Heksan dari Kulit Batang Kayu Bitti (Vitex Cofassus)}, year={2014}, url={http://repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/1936/}, abstract={The results of research obtained a compound in the form of a white crystalline needle-shaped that showed the weight 0.4745 grams and the phytochemical analysis showed steroid group. This was supported by the IR spectrum, which reveal functional steroid group. Toxicity test obtained the value LC50 on thick extract of n-Hexane, fractions and pure compounds respectively 74 079 ug / ml, 118.850 ug / ml and 88.201 ug / ml. This indicates that the compounds are toxic.} }