@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Refusal Strategiesin An American Animation Movie Entitled Wreck It RaLph (Pragmatic Approach)}, year={2017}, url={http://repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/2241/}, abstract={This research discussed refusal strategies on the characters as seen in Wreck it Ralph film. the aim of this research was to find out types of refusal strategies in the characters wreck it ralph film. this research focused on Beebe, Takashi and Uliss-Welzt's theory direct and indirect refusal. then, the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive method. the writer used note taking as instrument to find out valid data.the findings showed that there eleven data indicated that direct strategies, and there thirteenth data indirect strategies, they were; two data about reason, one datum about white lie, one datum about concideration of interlocutors feeling, one datum about suggestion of wilingness, one datum about let interlocutor of the hook,one datum about statement of regret, to data about hedging, one datum about statement of principle, one datum about request and one datum about other.} }