@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={The Analysis of Traditional and Modern Culture Values in David Nicholls’ Novel “One Day” (Sociological Approach)}, year={2016}, url={http://repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/6282/}, abstract={The result of the study shows that the modern and traditional culture values can be clearly seen from the style, life, character, behavior, habits, attitudes and moral person. Modern culture which tends westernized, dissipate the sake of momentary pleasure, enjoy life freely without being bound rules. While traditional culture that tends to rely on the attitude of polite, shy and understated, maintaining the attitude and moral as well as respecting for others. As for the moral values that exist in the novel one-day work of David Nicholl is arrogance and boast themselves shown in cast men as evidence of modern culture, while the attitude of shame and humility is shown by a female actor in this novel as evidence of traditional culture.} }