@thesis{thesis, author={Gunawan Billy}, title ={Pengaruh Social Media Marketing dan Brand Awarness Terhadap Purchase Decision Konsumen pada Chatime}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/1304/}, abstract={The development of the current era is not only technology that can innovate but as well the beverage sector, one of which is bubble tea drinks or boba drinks. Marketing through social media and building brand awareness is important for companies to compete. One of the beverage outlets that provide boba drinks originating from Taiwan and has spread in Indonesian cities is Chatime. This study aims to determine the effect of Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions at Chatime. The sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling using questionnaires via google form to 89 respondents where the population of this study was active students at Darma Cendika Catholic University in the Academic Year 2021-2022 who had made purchases of Chatime products at least once. The results of the validity test state that all statement items on the questionnaire are considered valid so that they can be used in this thesis research. In the Reliability Test, all statement items have Cronbach's Alpha above 0.6. In the t-test, the results of the t-value of the Social Media Marketing variable (X1) = 2.811 > 1.663 with a significance value of 0.006 < 0.050 which means that Social Media Marketing has a significant effect on Purchase Decision on Chatime, and the Brand Awareness the t-value is 2.440 > 1.663. with a significance value of 0.017 <0.05, which means that Brand Awareness has a significant effect on Purchase Decision at Chatime. With the test results that have been carried out, researchers can conclude that the independent variables, namely Social Media Marketing, and Brand Awareness have a significant influence on the dependent variable, namely Purchase Decisions at Chatime.} }