@thesis{thesis, author={Vilano Christian}, title ={Pengaruh Reward, Lingkungan Kerja dan Konflik Kerja Terhadap kinerja Karyawan pada Minimarket Indomaret Surabaya Timur}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/1307/}, abstract={Performance is the appearance of work and the results achieved by a person either in goods or products or in the form of services which are commonly used as a basis for self-assessment of the employee or the work organization concerned which reflects the employee's knowledge about his work. This study aims to determine the effect of reward, work environment and work conflict on employee performance at the Indomaret minimarket, East Surabaya. The sampling method used is a saturated sample or census. The census in this study was 89 respondents who worked at the Indomaret minimarket in East Surabaya. Processing the research method used is quantitative using SPSS 23 to test the validity with rcount rtable 0.2084, reliability test with cronbac'h alpha 0.70, descriptive test with a scale range of 0.8 with categories strongly disagree to strongly agree, test the classical assumption of normality Kolmogrov Smirnov with a significance value of 0.5, multicollinearity test with VIF 10 and tolerance 0.10. the next test is Multiple regression analysis resulted in an analysis of Y= 4.488 +0.485.X1+0.309.X2+0.187.X, based on this analysis, reward (X1) has the highest influence on employee performance at the Indomaret East Surabaya minimarket based on the adjusted Rsquare value of 36.1% (100 % - 36.1% = 63.9%) the rest is the contribution of other factors that are not included in the variable. The results of the t-test data analysis show that (1) Rewards have a significant effect on employee performance with tcount 3.410 > 1.988 and a significance of 0.001 <0.05, (3) Work environment has a significant effect on employee performance with tcount 2.039 > 1.988 and a significance of 0.045 < 0, 05, (3) Work Conflict has a significant effect on employee performance with tcount 2,246 > 0.027. Keywords: Reward, Work Environment and Work Conflict} }