@thesis{thesis, author={Kaat Lidia Maressa}, title ={Pengaruh Brand Ambassador, Brand Image dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian NU Green Tea di Indomaret Klampis Surabaya Timur.}, year={2022}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/1313/}, abstract={This research aims to find out the influence of variable Brand Ambassador, Brand Image, and product quality on purchasing decisions of Nu Green Tea in Indomaret Klampis Surabaya Timur. This method research uses a quantitative approach. The data on this study was sourced from questionnaires distributed to 75 selected respondents, namely respondents who had made purchases > 1 time. The sample collection technique in this study is non probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach. The data in the study was measured using the likert scale. The results of the validity test in this study resulted in a > r table 0,2272 with a significant level of < 0.05 so all items / items of statements in this study were declared valid. Reliability test results showed that the variables in the study were reliable by showing a Cronbach Alpha value > 0.60. Normality tests showed that regression models in the study met assumptions of normality and the data showed normal distribution patterns. The multicollinearity test in this study produced a tolerance value of > 0.10 and a VIF value of < 10, where there were no symptoms of multicollinearity. Heteroskedasticity tests showed in this study non heteroskedasticity. Multiple linear regression tests i.e., Y = 6,216 + 0,614 X1 + 0,511 X2 + 0,062 X3. The determination coefficient test resulted in an Adjust R Square of 0,603 which showed variable X contributed strong to variable Y. Variable of brand ambassador, significantly affects the purchase decision of Nu Green Tea in Indomaret Klampis Surabaya Timur by producing t count 3,231 > t tabel 1,993 with a significant level 0,002 < 0,05, and brand image variables significantly affect the purchase decision of Nu Green Tea in Indomaret Klampis Surabaya Timur by producing t count 2.539 > t tabel 1,993 with a level of significance 0,013 < 0,05. Also Product quality variables had no effect on purchasing decisions of Nu Green Tea in Indomaret Klampis Surabaya Timur with t count 0,626 < t tabel 1,993 and a level of significance 0,533 > 0,05.} }