@thesis{thesis, author={Sapatandekan Monika}, title ={Implikasi Kewenangan Kepala Desa Dalam Bidang Pembangunan Berdasarkan Asas Transparansi Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6. Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/135/}, abstract={The village government is a sub- system of national, government in a unitary state of the republic Indonesia, which has the authority to regulate and manage the interests of society. The village head as the leader of the government at the village level in performing his duties and obligations, has and obligations to account to the people through the village consultative bodies and submit reports on the implementation of is duties to the head. The village head is assisted by the village apparatus is the element of village administration. orgaizers of village administration has a wide range of juridical authority, among other, specialized in a sector governancearrangements are funtional.The are also various government institutions that can be scientifically analyzed, but different government institutional, such a government agencies, government foundations, state owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as BUMNs).The law of governance is the law that governs the relationship between the righs and abligations of the government has the holder of power wiht theruled party both in the context of the implementation of governmental power and the inplementation of cooperation in the achievementof state objectives as required by the state constitution. Government as the holder of power in the administration of the government in its essence becomes the embidiment and functions carried, which include the functions of sevice, shelter, or arrangement and functions of empowerment (development). When it is focused onthe governance context in the broadest sense the function of government is to develop the field of duty in the achievement of state objectives as required by the constitution of each country. The order that is created in the forms of government organization is done through the attachment to the formal structure in the organization of government is done through the juridical document as stipulated in the legislation in the implementationof the implementation. The juridical approach of government focuses the principles of centralization and decentralization,in terms of powers and institations of governmental bodies.} }