@thesis{thesis, author={Purnomo Agus}, title ={PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, HARGA, PROMOSI DAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN OBAT DI TOKO OBAT ASEAN SEJAHTERA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/144/}, abstract={Medicines product are one of the most important variables in determining the purchase of a consumers. Medicines product are sold in the Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya are very many kinds, Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya always keep the quality of the products, ranging from packaging, storage until medicine expired. In addition, the price is also one of the factors of purchase consideration, the Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya sells the medicines product at affordable prices. In doing the promotion of Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya using marketing services to promote the medicines product so that consumers can buy the product without the need to come to the place. Then, in addition not stop about product and price variables only, every store provides different service quality. The quality of service provided by Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya is in the form of customer friendly service and fast and responsive in serving the consumers. This research uses four variables (X) namely product quality variables (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3), service of quality (X4) and variable (Y), namely the purchase decision. The population of this research is the consumer at Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya and samples taken for as much as 100 respondents. The measurement data is used with validity test, reliability test, the assumptions of classical test, linear regression analysis, determinant koefisien, and t test. From the results of research that has been done can be concluded that the Validity of the test, the results are valid, the Reliability Test is reliable, classic Assumption Test has been tested compliant. Of Multiple Linear Regression analysis results have been obtained by modelling i.e. Y = 2,983 + 0.001X1 + 0,078X2 + 0,440X3 + 0,339X4. From the results determinant koefisien got the results is the relation between product quality (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3), and service quality (X4) on purchase decision are medium. From result of t test got result that is product quality (X1) with tcount 0,016 < ttable value 1,9583 and significant value (0,978 > 0,05) it can be said that variable of product quality do not influence to purchase decision at Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya , t test result for price (X2) with tcount 0,635 < ttabel 1,9583 and significant value (0,527 > 0,05) it can be said that price variable does not influence to purchase decision at Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya. From result of t test got result for promotion (X3) with tcount 3,459 > ttabel 1,9583 and significant value (0,001 < 0,05) it can be said that promotion variable have significant effect to purchase decision at Asean Sejahtera Drug Store of Surabaya. Meanwhile, from the results of t test obtained results for service quality (X4) with tcount 3.682 > ttable 1,9583 and significant value (0,000 < 0.05) it can be said that service quality variables significantly influence purchasing decisions in Asean Sejahtera Drug Store Surabaya .} }