@thesis{thesis, author={Wulandari Catharina Rosita}, title ={PENGARUH KECEPATAN PELAYANAN DAN KERAMAH- TAMAHAN KARYAWAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN TAMU DI HOTEL GUNAWANGSA MANYAR SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/152/}, abstract={The hospitality business is currently growing rapidly in line with the growth of tourism, as tourism is closely related to accomodation. Everyone who goes just to transit or stay in a hotel generally wants to be served quickly because of their busy life so that they do not want to wait too long and also want to be praised, appreciated, and cared for as an intangible need of everyone. This research was conducted at Hotel Gunawangsa Manyar Surabaya, taking a sample of 100 respondents. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of speed service and hospitality to guest satisfaction. In this research, validity test, reliability test,and hypothesis test are used to see the effect. At the service speed variable obtained tcount > ttable (5,210 > 1,984) hence speed of service has a significant effect on guest satisfaction of stay and hospitality of employees obtained tcount > ttable (3,253 > 1,984) hence hospitality has a significant effect on guest satisfaction stay.} }