@thesis{thesis, author={Tan Christian Ade Putra Wijaya}, title ={PENGARUH PRODUK, HARGA, PROMOSI, LOKASI DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PAT THAI YA THAI TEA DI PASAR ATOM MALL SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/153/}, abstract={The development of the culinary in Indonesia has increasingly diverse. This is what manufacturers culinary see to create creativity to compete with competitors. One of the innovations of tea drinks that exist today and began to flourish in Indonesia is Pat Thai Ya Thai Tea which is characteristic of the Thai style. To survive in the competition Pat Thai Ya Thai Tea always runs the concept of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, location) and keeps the quality of service to be able to satisfy customers. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of Product (X1), Price (X2), Promotion (X3), Location (X4), and Quality of Service (X5) to Customer Satisfaction (Y) Pat Thai Ya Thai Tea at Pasar Atom Mall Surabaya. This research is quantitative research because the data obtained by researchers in the form of numbers and it calculated by statistical methods. The sampling that used is Purposive Sampling, because it takes sample with certain criteria that has been bought Pat Thai Ya Thai Tea more than once and has been at least 17 years old. The samples were 125 samples. The method used is by distributing questionnaires and it analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 16 Based on multiple linear regression test found model Y = -0.657 + 0,194X1 + 0,195X2 + 0,178 X3 + 0,298X4 + 0,126X5. Based on multiple linear regression test,location (X4) has the greatest attribute to satisfaction (Y). The result of t table is 1,980. The result of product t count (X1) is 2,205 with significant 0,029. Result of price t count (X2) is 2,196 with significant 0,030. Result of promotion t count (X3) is 2,248 with significant 0,026. The result of location t count (X4) is 3,684 with significant 0.000. The result of service quality t count (X5) is 2,358 with significant 0,020 The result of this research is Product, Price, Promotion, Location, and Quality of Service influence to Pat Thai Customer Satisfaction Yes Thai Tea at Pasar Atom Mall Surabaya} }