@thesis{thesis, author={Fredyanto Debby Natalia}, title ={PENGARUH PRODUK, HARGA, PROMOSI DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN DI BONNET SUPERMARKET SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/155/}, abstract={Retail business in Indonesia is currently experiencing very rapid growth. The presence of the retail business in Indonesia, more embellish business. Needs and desires of consumers are currently experiencing drastic changes, which in its development community wants its needs can be reached quickly and easily. This has led many retailers are trying to open many stores in many locations, in order to meet the needs of consumers. When this has been a lot of retail companies that serve customers in meeting the needs of consumers. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of product, price, promotion and location of the purchasing decisions in Bonnet Supermarket Surabaya. In this study population samples taken that consumers who shop at Bonnet Supermarket with a sample of 100 people / consumers. Mechanical sampling using sampling nonprobability. The results of data management using SPSS version 19.0 obtained as follows: coefficient of determination value worth 0.628 (62.8%), indicating that the effect of the product, promotion, price and location of the purchase decision is strong. Products (X1) significantly influence purchasing decisions wherettest results = 2,740> ttable = 1.98525 with a significant level of 0.007 (<5% or 0.05). Price (X2) significantly influence purchasing decisions where tresults = 2,771> ttable = 1.98525, with a significant level of 0.07 (<5% or 0.05). Promotion (X3) significantly influence purchasing decisions where tresults =4.573>ttable = 1.98525,with a significant level of 0.000 (<5% or 0.05). Location (X4) significantly influence purchasing decisions where tresults = 2,660> ttable = 1.98525, with a significant level of 0.009 (<5% or 0.05).} }