@thesis{thesis, author={Rahmawati Dwi Esti}, title ={PENGARUH STORE ATMOSPHERE, HARGA DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA TOKO KAIN FLORES DI MOJOKERTO}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/157/}, abstract={The current market share of cloth is quite promising, many things that consumers consider in choosing the fabric store that they will visit. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the impact of store atmosphere, price, and quality service to purchase decisions at Flores fabric stores in Mojokerto. Population used in this research is consumer who come and buy clost more than 1 (one) on Flores fabric stores in Mojokerto, sampling done accidental sampling with respondern counted 75 people. Technique of data analysis is done by using instrument test (Test of Validity and Reliablity Test with the result that the questionnaire is valid and reliable), Classic Assumption Test (Normality test with the result that the data is normally distributed, Multicolinierity Test with the result of VIF value (X1) 1,311<10, (X2) 1,454<10, dan (X3) 1,319<10, and Heteroskedasticity Test with the result that the data is free of symptoms of heteroskedasticity), Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the result of regression equation Y=3,629+0,108X1+0,271X2+0,178X3, Determination Coefficient Analysis (R) with the result of adjusted r square value of 0,387 and Partial Hypothesis Test (t Test)with the result of t count for (X1) 1,534<1,994, (X2) 3,509>1,944, dan (X3)2,398>1,944. The result of this study indicate that: (1) Store atmosphere has no significant effect on purchase decision at Flores fabric store in Mojokerto; (2) Pricehas significant effect to purchase decision at Flores fabrics store in Mojokerto; (3)The quality of service has a significant effect to purchase decision at Flores fabrics store in Mojokerto.} }