@thesis{thesis, author={Setyawati Ester}, title ={PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, KEDISIPLINAN DAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT TERAPAN DI SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/159/}, abstract={The purpose of this research is to find out effect of compensation, discipline of employee performance PT Terapan in Surabaya. The research used 3 kinds of variable (x), such as : compensation variable (X1), discilpine (X2), motivation (X3) with variable (Y) is employee performance. This research is using quantitative method. The population are 90 person of PT. Terapan permanent employee in Surabaya. Sample measurement by using validity test, reability test, classic assumption test, Analisi Regresi Linier Berganda, determination coefficient and T test. The conclusion of the research shown test T result is valid, X1, X2 and X3 of realibility test is reliable, the classis assumption test was suitable with the regulation. The result of regresi linier berganda analysis is Y1 = 5,622 + 0,124X1 + 0,292 + 0,006X3. The result of determination coefficient is the connection among compensation (X1), discipline (X2), and motivation to the performance (Y) is low. The result of T test compensation (X1) is 3,139 > t table 1,9879 it shows the compensation (X1) is affected to employee performance (Y), T test for the discipline (X2) is 3,139 > t table 1,9879 it shows discipline (X2) is affected to employee performance (Y), T test for the motivation (X3) is 0,68 < t table 1,9879 it shows motovation (X3) is not affected to employee performance (Y). The conclusion shows compensation and discipline are affected to employee performance, while motivation is not affected to employee performance of PT.Terapan in Surabaya.} }