@thesis{thesis, author={Suharyanto Yosephine}, title ={PENGARUH PROMOSI, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN SHOPPING LIFESTYLE TERHADAP IMPULSE BUYING BEHAVIOR DALAM PEMBELIAN PRODUK SKINCARE SKINTIFIC PADA PENGGUNA SHOPEE DI SURABAYA}, year={2024}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/1611/}, abstract={The presence of online shopping trends especially in beauty product category can provide satisfaction and pleasure to consumers because of their habit of not being able to control themselves in their desire to acquire an item, which can trigger impulse buying behavior. One of the beauty products currently popular on teenagers and adults is skincare from brand Skintific. Skintific was founded in 1957 in Norway and produced in Canada. Skintific entered the Indonesian market in 2021. The aim of this research is to provide knowledge and analysis of the influence of promotions, product quality and shopping lifestyle on impulse buying behavior in purchasing Skintific skincare products on Shopee users in Surabaya. This research method uses a questionnaire that has been distributed via Google Form using a purposive sampling technique. Total respondents from this research are 75 respondents with criteria aged 17-25 years, live in Surabaya and already purchased Skintific skincare products on Shopee platform. Based on the results of data processing using SPSS. 25, it can be concluded that each statement shows valid results and all variables are declared reliable. And in classic assumption test it can be concluded that each variable has met the requirements in each test. The results of the t test shows that promotion has a t count of 4.975 > t table 1.99394, product quality has a t count of 3.108 > t table 1.99394 and shopping lifestyle has a t count of 3.018 > t table and a significance value for each variables that have results < 0.05 so it can be concluded that each variable has a positive and significant effect.} }