@thesis{thesis, author={Gamak Hargo Harun}, title ={PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN, HARGA, LOKASI DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DI WISATA KULINER GUNUNG SARI SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/163/}, abstract={Culinary Tour is a place where street vendors are collected in one place that has been provided and managed by Marine AL cooperative. cooperatives are formed so that in the management of Culinary Tour of Gunung Sari can perform the sales activities smoothly. In addition to providing food and beverage ready to eat, the manager must also know the problems that affect customer satisfaction in order to make improvements and new innovations. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of service quality, price, location and promotion of customer satisfaction in Tourism Culinary Gunung Sari Surabaya. Quantitative method, respondents were selected by using non probability sampling technique. The number of samples consisted of 100 respondents who visited the Culinary Tour Gunung Sari. Then the data is analyzed quantitatively which includes: Test Validity, Realibility Test, Classic Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient Determinant (R2) and Test t. The results showed that: the value of multiple determinant coefficient (R) of 0,553. Service quality has positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction in Gunung Sari Culinary Tour with tcount (5,104) > ttabel (1,984) and significant 0.000 < 0,05. Price has positive and significant effect to customer satisfaction in Gunung Sari Culinary Tour with tcount (3,956) > ttable (1,984) and significant 0.000 < 0,05. The location has no effect on customer satisfaction in Gunung Sari Culinary Tour with tcount (1,385) < ttabel (1,984) and significant level 0,169 > 0,05 and promotion does not influence to customer satisfaction in Gunung Sari Culinary Tour with result tcount (0,359) < ttabel (1.984) and significant level of 0.720> 0.05.} }