@thesis{thesis, author={Wanindi Lisbet}, title ={PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN, HARGA DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DI WISATA KULINER PENJARINGAN SARI SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/169/}, abstract={Culinary tourism is one type of tourism that has a huge impact on the development of an area. The positive value that can be obtained from this one tour is to develop local food potential that has been shifted by foreign products.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of products, service quality, price and location, on customer satisfaction in the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour. The Population in this study were 100 customers who visited and ate at the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour. The sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling, and the analyzer uses SPSS 16.0. The value of the multiple determination coefficient (R2) or Adjusted R square is 27.7%, meaning that the contribution of the Product variable, Service Satisfaction, Price and Location to the variable Customer Satisfaction is 27.7%. The product has no significant effect on Customer Satisfaction in the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour with the results of tcount (1,269) < ttable (1,98525). Service quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction in the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour with the results of tcount (4,617) > ttable (1,98525). The price has a significant effect on customer satisfaction in the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour with the result of tcount (-0,522) > ttable (1,98525). And the location has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction in the Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Culinary Tour with the results showing tcount (2,343) > ttable (1,98525).} }