@thesis{thesis, author={Lantang Marc Eliezer}, title ={PENGARUH PRODUK, PROMOSI, HARGA DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KOSUMEN DI CAFE ELEVEN SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/170/}, abstract={Cafe is a good place to be used to gather or just relax to unwind after the move. The café also offers interesting facilities for the coming consumer, such as sound speakers for listening to music and wifi. The following statement is according to what the café eleven has, the café has a good sound speaker and wifi with a good network. In addition, more interesting again café eleven sell its products at affordable prices for consumers who arrive. This study uses four variables (X) namely product variables (X1), promotion (X2), price (X3) and location (X4) with variable (Y) The population of this study are consumers in Café Eleven Surabaya and samples taken as many as 100 respondents. Measurement of data used is with Test Validity, Reliability Test, Classic Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Ujit danUji f. From the results of research that has been done can be concluded that, the results of Test Validity is valid, Reliability Test is reliable, Test Assumption Classical that has been tested has met the requirements. From the results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis has found that modeling Y = 4.700 + 0.305 (X1) - 0.063 (X2) + 0.274 (X3) - 0.104 (X4) From the results of Test F obtained results that is Fcount> Ftable is 6.472> 2.47 so It can be said that the two independent variables simultaneously have an influence on purchasing decisions (dependent variable) in Café Eleven Surabaya. From the results of Test t obtained results that is product (X1) with t count 3.390> tcable value 1.661 and significant value (0.001 <0.05) it can be said that the product variables have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions in Café Eleven Surabaya, For promotion (X2) with thitung -0,581 ,05) it can be said that promotion variable have no positive and insignificant effect to purchase decision at Café Eleven Surabaya. The result of t test is the result of price (X3) with tcount 2,862> tcable value 1,661 and significant value (0,005 <0,05) it can be said that price variable have positive and significant influence to buying decision at Café Eleven Surabaya. While t test result for location (X4) with tcal 1,027 0,05) it can be said that location variable have no positive influence and not significant to decision of purchasing at Café Eleven Surabaya.} }