@thesis{thesis, author={Anggrat Stefen Budhi}, title ={PENENTUAN STRATEGI ORGANISASI UNTUK MENANGANI MASALAH MANAJEMEN PADA PT. ADYAWINSA TELECOMMUNICATION DAN ELECTRICAL CABANG SURABAYA}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/179/}, abstract={The objective of this research is to determine the right strategy in handling the management problem in company PT. Adyawinsa Telecommunication& Electrical Branch Surabaya. The researcher has used 10 informants who has posistion in handling management branch offices such as Branch manager, Project Manager, Finance, Information Coorporate Technology (ICT), Logistic (warehouse), General Affair, HRD, Project Cooridnator 1 & Project Coordinator 2, and project Staff. Based on identification , there are several factors which have been found and these factors will become the basis of the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat in this company. The factors of weaknesses and threats in this company become a basis managemen problem . The factors which have been found will be analyzed with calculation of matrix IFAS, EFAS, IE, and formulate a strategic planing with SWOT. Alternative Strategic has determined form SWOT will be formulated with QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) to knowing the alternative strategic will be priotitized in this company. Form calculation of IFAS yield balanced score 2,08 and Form calculation of EFAS yield balanced score 3,19. The conclusion showing that Integration Horizontal Strategic in matrix IE can be used in PT. Adyawinsa Telecommunication and Electrical Branch Surabaya. Based on IE matrix, QSPM has determined 3 alternative strategies will be priority in the company such as finding x fresh graduated human resource qualifiers, creating a plan for new product service in non-telecommunication planning for increasing human resource for new project.} }