@thesis{thesis, author={Citra Citra}, title ={Redesign Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Fungsi Pembelian pada PT. Suraconforin di Surabaya}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/240/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the feasibility of implementing standard operating Procedur in the company's purchasing function. The growing pace of a company, the more various problems that must be faced, so that the company is required to be able to follow every development that occurs. So that the principle of effective, efficient, and economical can always be applied in operational activities in the company. The method used in this research is a qualitative method of descriptive by observing and analyzing the process data of the purchasing function within the company. After the observation and analysis of data and information provided, the researcher began to make how the processes and procedures carried out by the purchasing party and after that observe to know whether each process has been running In accordance with existing or extant procedures that need to be added At the end of this research can be concluded that the application of the standard operating procedure in the company has been adequate, but there are only a few that still have to be repaired, so the result of a redesign standard operating procedure Made by researchers can be guidelines for implementing standard operating procedure} }