@thesis{thesis, author={Prawiro Juniwati Intan}, title ={Analisa Rasio Keuangan dalam Menentukan Kebijakan Pemberian Kredit pada Calon Debitur PT.Bank Maspion Indonesia TBK di Surabaya}, year={2016}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/255/}, abstract={With the development of business activities of a company in which the role of the financial sector is indispensable in order to support the needs of development funds. Development funding needs increased with the increasing pace of development. Likewise, the company , which each perform operations of companies always take advantage of the resources and funds held for profit to increase growth and maintain its survival. The company needs which derive from the company's internal and externally sourced company can apply for a bank. The formulation of the problem taken is based on the analysis of financial ratios , whether the credit application by the debtor can be approved PT.Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk in Surabaya. Goals to be achieved in this research is to know the importance of financial ratio analysis as a guideline by PT.Bank Maspion Indonesia Tok in considering the loan application borrowers. And it is hoped this research will benefit Maspion PT.Bank Indonesia Tbk as an input or a general description that the financial ratio analysis is needed in considering the loan application for potential borrowers . The method used in this research is qualitative methods of data analysis methods , using data that is tangible figures and then the selection process to the required data relevant to the research . Based on the results of a study of the New CV.Hidup Baru can be concluded that the company deserves to be given credit . To The next suggested that PT.Bank Maspion Indonesia Tok still analyzing the debtor's financial statements on an ongoing basis until thecredit process is resolved, not just the beginning of the credit only.} }