@thesis{thesis, author={Mahendra Bramantya}, title ={Analisis Efisiensi Distribusi Produk Dengan Menggunakan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis Studi Kasus di PT. X}, year={2015}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/314/}, abstract={In this modern era, various fields can be entered into the company or the industry as a result of the rapid changes in tastes, technology, and competition. One industry that is developing today is made from spunbond bag industry. Products made of spunbond bag has been marketed in all regions in Indonesia, there are even being marketed to overseas. In marketing of existing products, PT. X also has a good competitor product yields and product marketing. Owned distribution channels should be streamlined so that products made of spunbond bag PT. X is able to compete with competitors. By using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can know the level of efficiency in distribution channels in PT. X. Limitations of this research is the variable input-output to the distribution network PT. X and level of distribution channels in the direct distribution channel and the first level. The input variables include the number of stores, the number of shipments and distribution costs. Variable output includes sales from stores, revenue, and profit. direct sales distribution channels expressed more efficiently than sales in the first level, and the comparison between the results obtained tend to efficiently store. The level of efficiency of the region based on the results of the analysis using software banxia frontier analyst in getting scores each city as follows: Surabaya with a score of 100%, with a score of 83.9% Malang, Madiun with a score of 41.2%, Jember with a score of 17.5 and Lamongan with a score of 100%. Malang carried out repairs to the number of stores 1, the number of sales increased to 23 752 units, revenue increased to 202.490.800 million and profit increased to 31.665.480 million Madiun made improvements with the number of stores 1, the number of shipments into 2808 units, revenue increased to 92.289.600 million and profit increased to 13.419.360 million. Jember conducted remedial steps by the number of stores to be 1, the number of shipments into 2241 units, cost of distribution to Rp 353.448.00 million the number of shipments increased to 10376 units, revenue increased to 44.736.000 million and profit increased to 6.755.400 million.} }