@thesis{thesis, author={Tandian David Yordanus}, title ={Implementasi Audit Operasional Pada PT. Tunggal Djaja Indah Di Waru Sidoarjo}, year={2016}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/360/}, abstract={Sales become part of corporaate activity that has much support. Success corporate are supported also by it?s good internal control. Effectivity and efficiency became the most important things at operational scope in order to reach the goal. Therefore, operational audit are needed in a corporate to evaluate any operational activity, especially at sales departement. Research on operational audit aims to analyze implementation of operational audit on sales departement at PT Tunggal Djaja Indah. The research are using two X variable and one Y variable, they are Operational Audit (X1), sales (X2) and Effectivity (Y). It is also using SOP Checklist of sales activity and operational audit which is contains 30 times sales activity observation and once operational audit. As the result of research, it can be described that operational audit of sales departement at PT Tunggal Djaja Indah has already according to SOP (Standart Operating Procedure). It is very useful to raise sales effectivity.} }