@thesis{thesis, author={Cynthia. W Fransisca}, title ={Pengaruh Product, Price, Place, dan Promotion Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Handphone Nokia di Surabaya Selatan}, year={2012}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/364/}, abstract={Development of communication technology today is very fast and quick. Phenomena that exist today, many people who use communication through the phone. Of mobile-phones available today, many found Chinese products into Indonesia, but on the ground Nokia mobile phones do not compete with China. The purpose of this study was to determine the product, price, place, and promotion and the simultaneous influence purchasing decisions partially on Nokia mobile phones in South Surabaya. In this study the object of this research is the product, price, place, and promotion, which have an influence on purchasing decisions by Nokia products Nokia consumer research subject is located in South Surabaya. Sampling in this study conducted probability sampling with a sample of 100 respondents. Testing research using multiple linear regression models. Measurement scale used is a Likert scale. The results showed that the product, price, place, and promotion have a positive influence on the purchase decisions of Nokia handphone in South Surabaya. The F test results proved that the variable products, pricing, distribution/place and promotion jointly influence the Nokia Mobile purchase decision in South Surabaya, where the value Feotn > Fae is 13.330 > 2.47. By using the t test proved that: the product (X;) influence on purchasing decisions of Nokia Mobile in South Surabaya, proved ton > Tae is 2.759 > 1.985, the price (X) does not affect the Nokia Mobile purchase decision in South Surabaya, proved teont TTable is 1.010 < 1.985, the distribution/point (X3) had no effect on Nokia Mobile purchasing decisions in South Surabaya, proved tcount < TTable is 1.670 < 1.985, and promotion (X4) influence on Nokia Mobile purchasing decisions in South Surabaya, proved teot > Tate is 2.760 > 1.985. From the research results can be obtained evidence that the promotion (X) is the dominant of the other variables, proved tcount = 2.760, followed by the other variables in a sequence that is the product of (X) = 2.759, distribution/point (X3) = 1.670, and the price (X)= 1.010.} }