@thesis{thesis, author={Theodoros Andre}, title ={Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan Karyawan Marketer Serta Cara Pembayaran Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada PT Puncak Permai}, year={2016}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/390/}, abstract={For the sake of maintaining business continuity in the midst of a highly competitive business competition, a company must provide satisfaction to its customers. These can be done by improving the quality of service, provide competitive price, and how payments can be accepted by consumers. In this study, researchers analyzed more specific about the "Influence of Price, Quality of Service Employees Marketer And Payment Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty In PT Puncak Permai". The population in this study are customers of PT Puncak Permai with the number of respondents 75 people. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. T test hypothesis testing on the real level 12:25%. The indicators examined as many as five are: price, quality of service, payment methods, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty The results showed the following results: prices, effect on satisfaction with the t value (4044) and a significant value (0,000). Quality of service is not significant effect on loyalty to the t value (2.043) and a significant value (0045). Method of payment does not affect the significant loyalty to the t value (1.059) and a significant value (0.832). Price does not significantly with the t value (1.059) and a significant value (0,293). The quality of service does not affect the loyalty with the t value (-0.736) and significant values (0.464). Method of payment loyaliats no significant effect on the value of the t (0524) and significant values (0669). Satisfaction no significant effect with the t value (0.524) and a significant value (0.602)} }