@thesis{thesis, author={Hitijahubessy Maria Tirza Veronica}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dimana Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada D’SEASON Hotel Surabaya}, year={2016}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/401/}, abstract={The business world is now required creating high employee performance to the company's development. Companies should be able to build and improve performance in their environment. In improving the performance of employees of companies employ several ways, for example through providing proper compensation, job motivation, creating a conducive working environment,education, and training. With the increasingly intense competition in the hotel business Surabaya resulted in the company faced with the challenge to maintain good service quality. Research was conducted on d'Season Hotel Surabaya is located in the North Tenggilis No. 14. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation and motivation on employee performance through employee satisfaction as an intervening variable. Where compensation (x1) and motivation (x2) as exogenous, job satisfaction (z) as an intervening variable, and employee performance as an endogenous variable. The sample set is allemployees d'Season Hotel Surabaya as many as 64 respondents using saturated sample. The analytical method used smartPLS 3.0 software and SPSS 24 for windows. Based on the results of the study states that (1) the hypothesis 1 is accepted where compensation significant effect on employee job satisfaction, (2) the hypothesis 2 is rejected where the motivation no significant effect on job satisfaction, (3) the hypothesis 3 is rejected where the compensation does not significantly influence employee performance, (4) the hypothesis 4 is rejected where the motivation has no significant effect on the performance of employees, (5) hypothesis 5 is rejected where job satisfaction has no significant effect on the performance of employees, (6) the hypothesis 6 is rejected where job satisfaction is not mediating between compensation and performance of employees, (7) the hypothesis is 7 rejectedwhere job satisfaction is not mediating influence between work motivation on employee performance.} }