@thesis{thesis, author={Satria Angela Linggo}, title ={Pengaruh Produk, Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Secara Online di Handmade Shoes Surabaya}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/422/}, abstract={In today's world, the developing business world is developing. Businesses Must Be Maintained To Maintain The Development and Progress of Technology in the World. The development of business and technological developments that exist, making people prefer things faster. In line with the development of time, online shops (Online Stores) began to appear around the community. Emerging online stores make it easier for people to make transactions, ranging from buying food, gifts, daily necessities, even special needs to the fashion world. People prefer to have a different appearance than others. Starting from the style of dress, make up, even the shoes they use. With regard to this, the community always wants to have characteristics that cannot be imitated by others, especially in their shoes. The community prefers to make shoes that are comfortable to use and have their own uniqueness or characteristics. Products, Prices, Service Quality and Promotion of Consumer Purchasing Decisions Online at Handmade Shoes Surabaya. The advice used in this study is quantitative by using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Responding to this study replace 60 people, select the sample in this study using calculations with Slovin formula. The results of multiple linear regression in this study are Y = (-2.202) + (0.696) X1 + (-0.39) X2 + (0.160) X3 + (-0.08) X4 while the analysis of the Adjusted R Square determinant is 0.948 which is intended as independent independent variables namely Products, Prices, Service Quality and Promotions have a very strong interest in purchasing decisions. Based on the results of data processing can be accepted about the product that is significant to the Purchase Decision at a value of 14,514> ttable 1,67303 with a significant value of 0,000 <0,05. Price is not significant to Purchasing Decisions where the value of t count -1.087> ttable -1.67303 with a significant value of 0.282> 0.05. Significant Service Value on Purchase Decisions where the value of t count is 3.142> t table 1.67303 with a significant value of 0.03 <0.05. Promotion is not significant to the Purchase Decision where the value of t count -1.08> ttable 1.67303 with a significant value of 0.914> 0.05. After determining the testing that has been done, the conclusion of the product and service quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, while prices and promotions have no significant effect on purchasing decisions.} }