@thesis{thesis, author={Sandro S. Alex}, title ={Analisis Tingkat Beban Kerja Operator Packing Dengan Metode NASA-TLX (Task Index) dan Work Sampling di PT.Sehatra Surya Intrio}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/438/}, abstract={PT. Sejahtra Surya Intrio is a moving distributor to distribute various types of drugs. In this study the method used is he measurement of mental and physical loads. At PT Sejahtra Surya Intrio packing operators often experience fatigue because hey have to finish packing so many types of drugs will be sent. To reduce the fatigue of packing operators, a plan is made to increase the number of workers needed to reduce the workload of each operator. Measurement of workload using the Work Sampling and NASA-TLX methods. Of the two methods will be analyzed and considered to produce the amount of labor. The results of Work Sampling total operator time 1 is 90 minutes, for operator 2 is 90 minutes while operator 3 produces 93 minutes standard time. NASA-TLX calculation results show hat operator 1's workload is 74.6 and operator 2 has a workload of 70.1 while operator 3 is 72.7. From the results of the analysis of the average mental load of the 3 operators is 217.4 still in the category of high mental load, the correlation coefficient calculation is used with the equation z = x + y so that the addition of operator 1 becomes 4 operators with an average workload of 54.35%. although in a state of mental burden it was still high but had approached a low mental burden.} }