@thesis{thesis, author={Tentua Johan Patrick}, title ={Pengembangan Website UKDC Berbasis Kebutuhan Stake Holder dan Berorientasi Peningkatan Rangking Webometri}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/444/}, abstract={The website of the Catholic University of Darma Cendika (UKDC) according to 'www.webometrics.com finished ranking 635 out of 2120 university websites in Indonesia, including the 1326 ranking from 3126 college websites in SEA Southeast Asia), and ranking to 20101 from all universities in the world. The Catholic University of Darma Cendika (UKDC) needs to build a website. Website development is carried out by method From the results of the interpretation of the dimension score using number 6 users who have a high score of 66%, the quality dimension of the answer information number 3 has an average score of 64.50%, the quality dimension of the answer answers number 1 and number 5 have an average score of 71.25% and 71.75%. The results of the House Of Quality are more attractive website designs, E-Learning on the Homepage, periodic website updates, Show services on the Homepage Bar, Website connected to social media, Display the sign on the Homepage, structuring the Homepage Bar More organized. Website. Results The analysis of the quality of the UKDC site for users is in the percentage of 66% to 76.5%, which means that the user is satisfied with the UKDC website.} }