@thesis{thesis, author={Laigom Laigom}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3), Motivasi, Disiplin Terhadap Insentif dan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (Studi Kasus di PT.XYZ)}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/447/}, abstract={Humans are a very important resource for the success of a company organization because human assets need special attention by the company. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Lisrel 8.70 program. Chi-Square value 508.22 (P = 0.00) from the results of the suitability test of this model is not fit to the suitability of the model. In addition the Goodness of Fit Index value also has a value of 0.93 with a match target> 90 good fit index model, besides that the RMR has a value of 0.069 with a target fit model <0.10 with the Good Fit model, the RMSEA 0.014 test value with a target match <0.05 have good fit test results. The NFI match test value of 0.92 with a match target> 0.90 gets the test results of the Good Fit model. From the results of the analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling Model (SEM) shows that the 2 (two) latent variables namely occupational safety and health / safety and discipline have a significant influence on the Incentive and Job Satisfaction variables with t-count that is more than 1.96 ie t- calculate occupational safety and health by 2.22 and t-count the latent variable Discipline 4.66. while the latent variable motivation has an effect on Incentives and job satisfaction does not have a significant effect because the results of the t-count are 0.62 <1.96.} }