@thesis{thesis, author={Wijaya Y.V. Carlos Olan}, title ={Penilaian Dalam Pemilihan Jurusan Teknik Industri di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Bagi Siswa/i SMA di Kota Surabaya Dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis}, year={2018}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/453/}, abstract={Higher education is a continuation of secondary education which is organized to prepare students to become members of the community who have academic and professional abilities that can apply, develop, and create knowledge, technology, and art. Given the importance of industrial engineering majors in the world of work, research is conducted to determine the factors in the selection of industrial engineering majors at private universities. This research was conducted in the city of Surabaya. This study took a sample of 96 high school students from schools that had been used as research targets. Respondents in this study were high school students with a population of 2,617. Data processing method is carried out by using proportional sampling to aid weight processing using the AHP method and ranking using the TOPSIS method. The results of the sample analysis showed that out of 96 questionnaires, only 32 students wanted to proceed to industrial engineering majors. The factors that influence high school students in choosing industrial engineering majors in private universities from the three largest are the first factor of cost with a weight of 0.272, the second factor of campus location with a weight of 0.196, and the achievement of students and lecturers with a weight of 0.175. From the alternative ranking, it was obtained the alternative results of the selection of industrial engineering majors at private universities which has the greatest relative closeness value, namely Pelita Harapan University, Darma Cendika Chatolic University, WR. Supratman University, Kartini University, and University 45 Surabaya.} }