@thesis{thesis, author={Bellanov Agrienta}, title ={Optimasi Perencanaan Produksi Untuk Memenuhi Continuitas Produk Dengan Metode Goal Programming (Studi Kasus : Perum Perhutani Jawa Timur Divisi Produk Gondorukem dan Terpentin)}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/455/}, abstract={Perum Perhutani Tandes is a State-Owned Enterprise that processes pine sap into Gondorukem and Terpentin products. Gondorukem and Terpentin are basic ingredients / mixtures for other products. The demand for these two products is very high, where the ratio of consumers is 95% from abroad, and 5% from within the country, so Perum Perhutani often cannot fulfill the demand from these consumers. Perum Perhutani oversees 3 PGTs (Gondorukem and Turpentine Plants) to carry out the production process. The three PGT are PGT Sukun, PGT Rejowinangun and PGT Garahan, but these three PGT still do not have a forecast program so they cannot ensure targets for meeting consumer demand. The first step is to do a forecast from past data to determine the number of requests for the following year which then becomes the basis for conducting the formulation stage in the Goal Programming method. The purpose of the formulation is to maximize production, machine working hours and income. The results of this study are that the amount of production can be optimal with the use of machine working hours that do not exceed the current machine capacity and income an increase of 28%} }