@thesis{thesis, author={Darrian Leonardo Sean}, title ={Analisis Kesiapan Sertifikasi ISO 9001, ISO 14001, dan OHSAS 18001 Pada PT.XYZ Dengan Metode GAP Analysis}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/460/}, abstract={Competition between industries causes companies to improve their production processes, PT. XYZ which is engaged in manufacturing heat exchangers also participated in the competition. PT. XYZ is a new company that does not have ISO and OHSAS certification. Companies that have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification will be recognized internationally as good companies in quality, environmental and OH&S management. This study aims to identify documents prepared by the company in the certification process. The results of this study will illustrate whether PT. XYZ has readiness for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 certifications which are planned to be carried out in 2019. This research begins with identifying problems that exist as a result of the preparation of the certification process, then collecting the necessary data such as documents required by ISO and OHSAS. Documents collected are then processed to determine the value of PT. XYZ using the gap analysis method. From the results of the gap analysis, PT. XYZ still does not have employee awareness so questionnaires are distributed to determine the level of awareness of employees. The results of the study based on the gap analysis showed that the readiness of the ISO 9001 QMS at -2, the ISO 14001 EMS at -2, the OHSAS 18001 OH&S MS at -5. The results of the questionnaire obtained to determine the level of awareness of the ISO 9001 QMS showed quite understandable with a value of 65.95% and quite satisfied with the value of 64.05%, ISO 14001 showed quite understanding with a value of 60.52% and quite satisfied with the value of 61.92%. the results of OHSAS 18001 OH&S MS showed quite understandable with a value of 63.93% and quite satisfied with the value of 65.73%} }