@thesis{thesis, author={Sadipun Yohana}, title ={Perhitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada CV. Beauty Kasatama di Surabaya}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/475/}, abstract={CV. Beauty Kasatama is a company engaged in the field of medical masks. This research was conducted to find out about the calculation of value added tax on CV. Beauty Kasatama. Value added tax is tax that is imposed when buying and distributing sales. CV. Beauty Kasatama in addition to selling finished goods also makes the masks in accordance with the orders entered through marketing. The data taken in this study is a general description of the company and other data relating to value added tax (VAT). Data collection techniques carried out were interviews and documentation. From the data obtained by the company, the researcher conducted an analysis on the calculation of value added tax. This research approach uses descriptive qualitative methods that describe the calculation of value added tax (VAT) in CV. Beauty Kasatama. The results that the calculation of value added tax carried out by CV. Beauty Kasatama was in accordance with law number 42 of 2009} }