@thesis{thesis, author={Sandi Teddy Willi}, title ={Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Alat Tulis Kantor pada CV. Karya Indah Mulia Surabaya}, year={2019}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/496/}, abstract={So many office stationery distributors in Surabaya are very well known among the public because of the low price, free shipping to the office, and also a large-scale promotion, making consumers prefer to make purchases at these distributors. To attract the attention of consumers to make purchases, each company has a different way. This study aims to determine the effect of price, service quality and promotion on purchasing decisions of office stationery on CV. Karya Indah Mulia Surabaya. Where the independent variables are price (X1), service quality (X2), and promotion (X3) and the purchasing decision (Y) as the dependent variable. This study uses 75 respondents using nonprobability sampling technique. Based on the results of data collection with SPSS 23 it can be said that all statement items are valid and all variables are declared reliable. From the results of this study, the regression equation Y = 1.377 + 0.123 X1 + 0.015 X2 + 0.781 X3 was obtained. In testing classical assumptions, the regression model is free of multicollinearity, there is no heteroscedasticity, and normal distribution. Based on t test variables that have a significant effect on the purchase decision of office stationery on CV. Karya Indah Mulia Surabaya, namely the price variable (X1) of tcount 7,072> ttable 1,994, sig 0,000 ttable 1,994, sig 0,000 0.05. Adjusted R Square of 0.582 or 58.2%, this means that the relationship between price (X1), service quality (X2) and promotion (X3) of purchasing decisions is sufficient, the remaining 41.8% is influenced by other factors.} }