@thesis{thesis, author={Weking Cornelia Pai Barek}, title ={Pengaruh Price Earning Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio Dan Return On Equity Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2018}, year={2020}, url={http://repositori.ukdc.ac.id/566/}, abstract={The value of the company or commonly measured by the ratio of price to Book Value (Pbv) is an investor's perception of the company's success rate which is often associated with stock prices. The price to book value ratio can be measured through price earning ratio, dividend payout ratio, and return on equity. The samples used in this research are manufacturing companies that use sample selection criteria. The research approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The samples studied were 129 consisting of 43 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a 3 year observation period (2016-2018). Hypothesis testing was conducted by partial test methods (Test T), coefficient of determination (R2 ) analysis, and simultaneous testing (F test). The results showed that price earning ratio and return on equity significantly affected price to book value means the higher price earning ratio and return on equity the higher the price to book value, while the dividend payout ratio has no significant effect on price to book value meaning The increasing number of dividends distributed to shareholders is not always followed by the increase in the price to book value.} }