@thesis{thesis, author={Pratiwi Mirza Ayunda and Sofia Myrna and TAMBA GRACE RUMANTI}, title ={PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL, MOTIVASI, BURNOUT DAN COUNTERPRODUCTIVE WORK BEHAVIOR TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA KANTOR POS INDONESIA TANJUNGPINANG}, year={2024}, url={http://repositori.umrah.ac.id/8107/}, abstract={This research aims to explain the Effect of Transformation Leadership, Motivation, Burnout, Counterproductive Work Behavior on Employee Performance at the Tanjungpinang Indonesian Post Office. The population in this study was 50 employees of the Tanjungpinang Indonesian Post Office. Sampling with saturation techniques was 50 employees. This type of research is quantitative research. The questionnaire conducted a validity and reliability test. The analysis data use several linear regression analyses, including the t-test, the F-test, and the coefficient determination test. The research was conducted using SPSS version 27. The results of this study show that partial transformational leadership (X1), Burnout (X3) and Counterproductive Work Behavior (X4) have no significant effect on employee performance (Y), while the Motivation variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y). F test results were obtained by F calculating 22,858 with Phtable 2,576 identifying Transformational Leadership (X1), Motivation (X2), Burnout (X3) and Counterproductive Work Behavior (X4) simultaneously affecting Employee Performance (Y). Based on the coefficient of the determination test, about 67.0% of the Employee Performance variable (Y) was influenced by Transformational Leadership (X1), Motivation (X2), Burnout (X3) and Counterproductive Work Behavior (X4). The remaining 33.0% were affected by other factors not included in this study, such as external factors or other variables not measured in the study.} }